37th Annual Meeting
Society for Descriptive Psychology
The Society for Descriptive Psychology is a Community exploring the
Person Concept: The interdependent conceptual framework of Person, Behavior, Language,
and World to create common ground for the Human Sciences.
This year's diverse topics range from clarifying the concept of Social
Justice, discussion of appropriate
treatment approaches for the variety of Dementias, and the place of embodiment and biological "explanation" in Descriptive
Psychology. Other presentations will examine the concept of Alief,
elucidate science denialism, explore the contribution of Descriptive Psychology to conflict resolution,
and present a variety clinical cases that are conceptualized using a Descriptive
Psychology framework.
The goal of this year's conference is to continue the exploration of
Descriptive Psychology as a conceptual approach to a broad range of topics within
the behavioral sciences, neurobehavioral sciences, social sciences, and
humanities, continue building the Descriptive Psychology Community, and to promote
further discussion about new approaches to disseminating Descriptive Psychology
concepts and applications.
will be able to earn up to 12.5 Continuing Education credits during the
Registration on or before September 15th includes the Banquet and meals.
The fee for the Banquet will require a separate payment of $80
after that date.
will be available
at the American Mountaineering Center
on the days of the program.
will be available
at the American Mountaineering Center
on the days of the program.
October 22-25
The American
Mountaineering Center Golden, CO
3:30 - 5:25 Board meeting (AMC Drumwright Board Room)
5:30 - 6:30 Check in/Meet and Greet (AMC)
A light dinner buffet will be served
A light dinner buffet will be served
6:30 - 7:00 The Conference will be convened
Introduction of the President
Introduction of the President
7:00 - 8:30 Presidential Address
Wynn Schwartz, PhD
Wynn Schwartz, PhD
8:15 - 9:00 Breakfast
(served in the AMC Conference Room)
(served in the AMC Conference Room)
9:00 - 10:00 Why is Behavior Not Reducible To Biological States of
Ray Bergner, PhD
Ray Bergner, PhD
Abstract: This talk,
after very briefly reviewing Ossorio’s conception of behavior, uses his
formulation to demonstrate why human behavior per se is neither explicable in
terms of, nor reducible to, biological states of affairs, and thus why the
claim from certain quarters that the science of psychology will be superseded
by that of biology — that in the end it’s “all really
biological” — cannot be justified.
10:00 - 10:10 Break
10:10 - 11:10 When in Doubt, Get
Descriptive: Using Descriptive in the Philosophy of Science Class to Understand
Science Denialism
Timothy Doyle, PhD
Timothy Doyle, PhD
Abstract: This presentation shows how Descriptive Psychology
concepts are used in a Philosophy of Science course in order to help students
both gain an overview of, and understand similarities and differences between,
the wide array of arguments employed by ‘science denialists’. Mirroring in some
ways the ‘scale of justified belief’, a scale of doubt is developed, ranging
from healthy skepticism to patent absurdity.
11:10 - 11:20 Break
11:20 - 12:20 Difficulties in
Establishing A Working Definition of Social Justice
Matthew Cohen, M.S.W.
Matthew Cohen, M.S.W.
Abstract: This
discussion will revolve around the two basic American concepts of Social
Justice: one that focus more on groups and is defined in terms of basic human
rights; the other that emphasizes individuals and focuses on buying power in
the market place. Using the two poles we would like to open up a discussion
that can help us synthesize these two, figure out what is missing and establish
a more precise working definition that can inform fields such as Social Work,
Politics, Criminal Justice
12:30 - 1:30 Lunch
(served in the AMC Conference Room)
(served in the AMC Conference Room)
1:30 - 2:30 Free Will, Persons, and Alief
Ryan Scherbart, PhD
Ryan Scherbart, PhD
& Religious Studies Instructor
Chabot College
Abstract: There appears to
be substantial agreement among descriptive psychologists that a person is more than
mere physiology. A person, they say,
is something over and above a highly organized bio-chemical system of cells, tissues, organs, bones, fluids, neurons, synapses, neurotransmitters,
etc. Persons are not 'meat machines'.
Human bodies -- fine -- are just physical objects; however, this is
not the case for persons. I
will not so much argue that persons are merely physical beings but rather will suggest
that those who claim otherwise face difficult, perennial questions about causal
interaction between physical and nonphysical things and questions about free will. These queries are intended to promote fruitful
discussion. I will provide an overview
of how philosophers have generally grappled with these issues, including a presentation
of my own work on free will and the concept of alief.
2:30 - 2:40 Break
2:40 - 3:40 The Internet as a Medium of Community.
Boston Study Group
Boston Study Group
3:40 - 3:50 Break
3:50 - 4:50 Significance and Aggression: A Reconceptualization of "Anger Management Training"
Erol Zeybekoglu
Erol Zeybekoglu
5:00-7:00 Free time for dinner on your own and enjoying Golden.
7:00-7:30 And the Beat Goes On
Carolyn Zeiger, PhD
Carolyn Zeiger, PhD
Abstract: This is an informal
opportunity for conference participants to briefly share the ways they are
using Descriptive Psychology, invite discussion or just give an update on their
continuing work.
7:30 - 8:30 Society Business Meeting
Moderated by Wynn Schwartz, PhD
SDP President
Moderated by Wynn Schwartz, PhD
SDP President
The major topic, as introduced and moderated
by Wynn Schwartz, President, SDP, will be discussion of strategies for fostering
the survival of Descriptive Psychology and the Society for Descriptive Psychology
8:15 - 9:00 Breakfast
(served in the AMC Conference Room)
(served in the AMC Conference Room)
9:00 - 10:00 Descriptive
Psychology, Personhood, and Neurocognitive Disorders - Lessons Learned, Next
Aladdin Ossorio, PsyD
10:00 - 10:10 Break
10:10 - 12:20 Clinical Case Presentations
Sonja Holt, PhD, Fernand Lugubuin, PhD,
and Graduate Student Presenters from the University of Denver Clinical Psychology Program
and Graduate Student Presenters from the University of Denver Clinical Psychology Program
12:30 Lunch (on your own) and afternoon free for personal business,
meetings, and recreation
7:30 Society Banquet
Announcements and Celebration
Announcements and Celebration
8:15 - 9:00 Breakfast
(served in the AMC Conference Room)
(served in the AMC Conference Room)
9:00 - 10:00 Conflict
Resolution – Using Descriptive Psychology to Negotiate Relationship Change
Paula Holt, Esq., LLB
Paula Holt, Esq., LLB
10:00 - 10:10 Break
10:10 -
11:10 Critique
C.J. Stone
C.J. Stone
Abstract: Actors have actions,
Observer/Describers have observations and descriptions, Critics have...what? In
the past, we have only used the term "critic talk", but critics do a
lot: identify phenomena, highlight assessment, separate appraisal from
other phenomena, and so on. We can explicate what they do and use it to
conceptualize what is happening.
11:10 - 11:20 Break
11:20 - 12:20 Sense and
Significance in the Human World
Tee Roberts, PhD
Tee Roberts, PhD
Making a distinction between the Performance of a behavior and its Significance
is essential for the scientific study of human behavior. The validity and
value of the distinction is first demonstrated by a set of empirical studies,
dealing with sex roles, intrinsic value, developmental disabilities, and
alcoholism treatment. Then two methodological devices — parametric
analysis and calculational system — are introduced. The use of the devices is
illustrated, culminating in the presentation of a concept of Behavior in which
both Performance and Significance have a place. The implications of the
package as a whole for neuroscience are briefly discussed. (This is a
shortened version of a presentation given in March, 2015 at the first
International Convention of Psychological Science in Amsterdam.)
12:30 - 2:00 Lunch
(served in the AMC Conference Room)
12:30 - 2:00 Board
(AMC Drumwright Board Room)
Information about the Society, Descriptive Psychology and Student Support
Please consider donating to the student support fund!
Please consider donating to the student support fund!

Information on The Society for
Descriptive Psychology can be found on the Society's website: http://www.sdp.org
Please consider supporting student presentations by donating to The Student's Fund. The Society for Descriptive Psychology is a 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax deductible, but please consult with your tax advisor.
Support a Student:
Please consider supporting student presentations by donating to The Student's Fund. The Society for Descriptive Psychology is a 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax deductible, but please consult with your tax advisor.
Support a Student:
Peter Ossorio's masterwork, The
Behavior of Persons, and his volume of status dynamic maxims, Place,
are now available in paperback from the Descriptive Psychology Press.
A brief orientation to Descriptive Psychology can be found in the postings, People Make Sense: Foundations for a Human Science and A Short Course in Descriptive Psychology.
A brief orientation to Descriptive Psychology can be found in the postings, People Make Sense: Foundations for a Human Science and A Short Course in Descriptive Psychology.
Information about Lodging
Lodging is available at the Golden
Hotel and the Hampton Inn. Call the hotels directly to make
Conference Discounts are available at:
The Hampton Inn (303-278-6600) under
"Society for Descriptive Psychology" $109/night
The Golden Hotel by the deadline of 9/21/15 (303-279-0100) under "Society for
Descriptive Psychology" $162/night for a King Suite, or
$192/night for a Deluxe Double Queen
Suite with a sleeper sofa, sleeps 3 people – a great option for students or
anyone who wishes to share a room and save (equates to $64 a person/night)
Other hotels in the area that have
competitive rates:
Denver West Marriot: http://www.marriott.com/reservation
Table Mountain Inn: http://www.tablemountaininn.com